Nathalie BOURRAS
PDO honey
Visits : All year by appointment / closed in July and August
Regions : Sud Corse
Categories : Honey
Agricultural sectors : Corsican honey
A Carpa
20169 Bonifacio
After twelve years working in Éducation Nationale in Porto-Vecchio, in 2003 Nathalie Bourras decided she needed a change!
“My parents were farmers, specifically poultry farmers, hence my love for fowl! I believe that many children who grew up in this kind of environment eventually need to return to it, to return to the earth. For me it happened at the age of 37!”
This new farmer’s focus almost immediately turned to beekeeping, an activity she knew little about but the diversity and complexity of it intrigued her. “Working with beehives is fascinating in that it provides a constant source of questions, of innovative methods to be learned which always ask for more expertise. In beekeeping, there are endless discoveries!”
Nathalie shares this with undisguised pleasure within the Syndicat d’Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée (PDO union) – Mele di Corsica (Honey from Corsica).
“It's a very structured sector. Together, we develop, build and support concrete projects. Passion is our only guide!”
Nathalie is an enthusiast and sees her future filled with great initiatives to be implemented . Soon, a honey house will be built at the heart of the farm, where goats, sheep and pigs currently frolic. “I must admit to loving all animals, so, added to what already surrounds me, my 250 beehives fill me with immense joy, and a lot of work!” And her daughter Laurine will not be the one to tell you otherwise! For everyone’s enjoyment